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pointblank “Exceeds Expectations” in ISI Report for Fourth Consecutive Time

We are very pleased to say that for the fourth time in a row, pointblank has gained the top grade, “exceeded expectations”, in a report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate. For those unfamiliar with the ISI, in many senses they are regarded as the Ofsted for the Independent sector so this is something we are very proud to have achieved once again! In their review, the ISI look at everything from curriculum quality and course instruction right through to student welfare and quality assurance, and pointblank excelled in all of the aforementioned areas.

The ISI were wowed by our second studio complex in London and the facilities on offer, and praised the quality of course content provided by our instructors. Studying in such excellent surroundings is part and parcel of our comprehensive Complete Master Diploma, where you’ll learn everything you need to know to take your career to the next level. It all happens in our brand new second studio complex in London – if you haven’t had a look for yourself yet, book a tour here.

Once again, we’ve “exceeded expectations” in a report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Book yourself on a tour of our second London studio complex here

Here are some choice excerpts from the ISI report, which you can download here:

  • “Courses are very well designed to enable all students to progress and develop individual profiles to meet their very specific career and academic needs.”
  • “Instructors are very experienced in the music industry and provide a wide variety of engaging opportunities for students to successfully develop their skills.”
  • “All students learn exceptionally well and make excellent progress.”
  • “The school’s state-of-the-art equipment is used very effectively to plan engaging activities which allow students to develop excellent skills and insights.”
  • “All equipment accurately reflects that which is currently being used in the music industry. Classrooms successfully reproduce the professional environment.”
  • “Students’ welfare, including health and safety, is excellent.”
  • “Students are extremely happy with the quality and promptness of the school’s response to their concerns.”
  • “The designated student support team provide effective support to ensure that students receive appropriate support on personal issues.”
  • “The proprietor and staff of the school are well connected and experienced in the music industry and use this knowledge effectively for the benefit of their students. Consequently, students receive excellent careers advice and guidance to enable them to make very well informed decisions about future courses and careers.”
  • “Students reach very high levels of attainment which are consistently significantly above the BTEC national averages.”

You can read the full report here and click here to find out more about our London courses.

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