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Find Out DJ Ravine and Mr Bristow’s Essential Top 5 DJ Tips

Last month DJ Ravine and Ben Bristow, our lead DJ instructor, joined forces to discuss the five key mistakes made by DJs today. These ranged from the obvious to the overlooked including tips about avoiding redline, knowing your set up and much more. Check those out here. Now, the pair has returned to share their top tips to own a dancefloor with your slick mixing skills. If your thirst for DJ knowledge can’t be quenched by video tutorials alone we offer a number of comprehensive DJ instruction courses including a new  BA (Hons) in Music Production and DJ Practice (quality-assured by Middlesex University) taught by Ben Bristow himself.

To easily check back on what tips were covered in the video, here’s a quick lowdown of what you can expect:

1 – Effects – Whatever your style is many DJ’s don’t know the secret behind changing their effect’s tempos. Don’t be a stranger to changing your beat value.

2 – The Roll Effect – This can get you out of a sticky situation if know how to use it right. If one of your decks decides to pack in mid-set and you need to restart it, the roll feature can be used as an independent looping tool.

3 – Saving tag lists as new playlists – Got those track’s you have to drop? This feature helps you roll through your selection tagging your top crowd pleasers and saving them all into one easily accessible playlist.

4 – Instant doubles – If scratching is your thing or you just want to create some delays and double ups of certain beats, Instant doubles is the trick for you. This technique lets you play the same track on both decks.

5 – CDJ modes – Your CDJ’s have two handy modes you may not be aware of, singular and continuous mode. Whether you like to rock the beat before you let it go, these will help you manipulate the jog wheel to your heart’s desire.

These tips and tricks are useful in becoming a great DJ and performer, but our video tutorials are only a fraction of what you could learn with us at pointblank Music School. If you want to do more than just scratch the surface, check out our full range of DJ courses to find one that suits you.

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